The Caverns of Thought is the 26th track on the audio CD portion of A Player's Primer to the Outlands.
- Mimir: Illithids — or mind flayers, as they are more commonly known — place their power in a winding maze of tunnels near the Dwarven Mountain. It's actually connected to both the Mountain and Gzemnid's Realm. But a traveler who passes into Ilsensine's Caverns of Thought will know it: the mental drone becomes steadily worse as a body penetrates farther into the realm. Isusslis, an illithid traveler, speaks of the Caverns of Thought:
- Isusslis: From the Cavern of Thought, stay away! Friendly advice, give I. Though brains eat people my, given heed this advice. What? Speak I you for? Do not go to the caverns. Ilsensine will your brains suck dry, taking thoughts for itself. The brain-god hate non-illithid destroy. Even fiends steer clear of caverns. Their brains eat good as anyone. Mark my words: caverns dangerous. Do not go in.
Background Information[]
- The voice actors for both Isusslis and the Mimir repeatedly use "Ilsenine" erroneously, when the illithid god's name is "Ilsensine," with two S's. We used the correct name in the transcript above.
- Although Isusslis' speech initially seems Yoda-esque, fitting a repeatable pattern, it quickly devolves, with words within a sentence mixed in random order, before returning to something approaching normal at "Speak I for you," suggesting they're intentionally making their speech more understandable for the listener's benefit. They may be a Xaositect, naturally speaking in Chaosspeak.
- The beginning dialogue should be translated: "Stay away from the Caverns of Thought! I give friendly advice. Though my people eat brains, heed this advice given. What? I speak for you?"
External Links[]
Previous Track 25. Gzemnid's Realm |
A Player's Primer to the Outlands | Next Track 27: The Palace of Judgment |